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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Part of Hitler's Speech regarding Turkey on May 4, 1941 - YouTube

Part of Hitle

OBAMA IS A MUSLIMTERRORIST!CURRENT EVENTS: Obama Regularly Meets with Terrorists in the White House. Without Congress Approval, Obama Attacked Libya, Killed Its Leader and Allowed Al Qaeda to Take Over. Again, Without Congress Approval, He Toppled Egypt's Government and Installed the Muslim Brotherhood. He's Arming, Funding "Syrian Rebels", Who are Comprised of Al Qaeda and Islamic Extremists. He Allowed Americans to Die in Benghazi and Bold-Faced Lied About Who Did It. On Left, Obama is Speaking Under the Image of an Islamic Terrorist while Standing Along Side an Another Islamic Terrorist. Obama's Ex-Secretary of Defense, Panetta, Told Congress on TV He Takes Orders from Other Countries Over Congress. Without a Doubt, Obama is a Foreign Agent Working to Destroy America.
r's Speech regarding Turkey on May 4, 1941 - YouTube

Part of Hitler's Speech regarding Turkey on May 4, 1941 - YouTube

Part of Hitle

OBAMA IS A MUSLIMTERRORIST!CURRENT EVENTS: Obama Regularly Meets with Terrorists in the White House. Without Congress Approval, Obama Attacked Libya, Killed Its Leader and Allowed Al Qaeda to Take Over. Again, Without Congress Approval, He Toppled Egypt's Government and Installed the Muslim Brotherhood. He's Arming, Funding "Syrian Rebels", Who are Comprised of Al Qaeda and Islamic Extremists. He Allowed Americans to Die in Benghazi and Bold-Faced Lied About Who Did It. On Left, Obama is Speaking Under the Image of an Islamic Terrorist while Standing Along Side an Another Islamic Terrorist. Obama's Ex-Secretary of Defense, Panetta, Told Congress on TV He Takes Orders from Other Countries Over Congress. Without a Doubt, Obama is a Foreign Agent Working to Destroy America.
r's Speech regarding Turkey on May 4, 1941 - YouTube

Part of Hitler's Speech regarding Turkey on May 4, 1941 - YouTube

Part of Hitle

OBAMA IS A MUSLIMTERRORIST!CURRENT EVENTS: Obama Regularly Meets with Terrorists in the White House. Without Congress Approval, Obama Attacked Libya, Killed Its Leader and Allowed Al Qaeda to Take Over. Again, Without Congress Approval, He Toppled Egypt's Government and Installed the Muslim Brotherhood. He's Arming, Funding "Syrian Rebels", Who are Comprised of Al Qaeda and Islamic Extremists. He Allowed Americans to Die in Benghazi and Bold-Faced Lied About Who Did It. On Left, Obama is Speaking Under the Image of an Islamic Terrorist while Standing Along Side an Another Islamic Terrorist. Obama's Ex-Secretary of Defense, Panetta, Told Congress on TV He Takes Orders from Other Countries Over Congress. Without a Doubt, Obama is a Foreign Agent Working to Destroy America.
r's Speech regarding Turkey on May 4, 1941 - YouTube

Monday, June 10, 2013

HootyHaHa's Flashbacks - Max Headroom Art Of Noise Paranoimia - YouTube

HootyHaHa's Flashbacks - Max Headroom Art Of Noise Paranoimia - YouTubeSOLUTION

Use Public Data on this Site to Convict Obama for His Crimes...There's Lots to Chose From! Demonstrate Obama is Ineligible, Overturn Every Law Passed Since He Took Office, and Eliminate Two Obama-Appointed Communist Supreme Court Judges. Root Communists Out of Our Gov't, Unions, Courts and Schools Again! Convict All Found Guilty of Treasonous Crimes to the Fullest Extent of the Law. Come On, Neighbor... Get Off the Couch, Take Action and Help Save America!

Communist Obama Marxist Socialist Maoist Progressive - CommieBlaster

Communist Obama Marxist Socialist Maoist Progressive - CommieBlaster